Sophomore Portfolio Review

Event Kit & Website Design

At Portland State, graphic design students go through a sophomore portfolio review to carry on in the program. After going through this ourselves, my partner, Debbie Lee, and I worked together to create an approachable and accessible survival guide to understanding and passing this momentous milestone. We gathered and assembled the information into something easily understandable and added a personal touch with handwritten annotations throughout the piece to give advice and warnings. The print piece is separated into four parts; the required classes to be checked off as completed, the best resources to use for the review according to upperclassmen in the program, a guide that includes all necessary information for the review, and a planner that serves as a workbook, month-to-month calendar, and timeline to stay on track. The digital portion was built within the Portland State University framework to support on-the-go support, access to key documents and timelines, tips from alumni and teachers and overall clarity to the process.

Contributions: print design, copy & concept

Team: Debbie Lee, Graphic Designer

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Guide Book

Guide Book

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